All India Political
Parties Meet

Shishukunj MUN 2015


Garvit Zalani


Deputy Speaker

Ananya Khandelwal

Deputy Speaker


Nikunj Jain


Dear Delegates,

It is my utmost pleasure to welcome you all to Shishukunj MUN 2015. I am Garvit Zalani and I will be serving as the Speaker of the All India Political Parties Meet. This committee is unique in its own way because it is inclined towards Indian politics, a domain that is known for its dynamism. Where in almost every MUN, discussions are about global issues, AIPPM deals with the problems faced by the common Indian ‘janta’.
A little about myself, I am a dedicated blogger and a music-addict. I am a Hollywood aficionado and for all the right reasons a political geek. I have attended various MUNs at national levels and have acquired valuable experience in diplomacy. I believe that MUNs expose one to a whole new different level of understanding of the world and its issues. My love for MUNs is attributed to the empathy link I am able to develop with the topic and the eagerness to provide solutions to make this world a better place.
For this year’s edition of Shishukunj MUN the agenda I have chosen for this committee is ‘Battling Domestic Terrorism’ because I believe that the threat of internal disturbance is much greater than any external threat India faces today. As a novice rebellion turns into extremism, India’s greatest threat comes from within.
Independent extremist organisations, have many times aimed at harming India’s peace and stability. This agenda will play a vital role in discussing the effects of domestic terrorism on the people, the causes of such extremism in the youth and implementing substantive solutions to create a better tomorrow. On this note I would like to welcome you all to 2 days of debating, negotiating and diplomacy. May the best delegate win!
Feel free to contact me at
Best Wishes,
Garvit Zalani
All India Political Parties Meet
Shishukunj MUN 2015


Combating Domestic Terrorism, Internal Insurgency and Extremism

Battling Domestic Terrorism is a really important agenda that highlights the immense internal threat the peace and stability of the nation. With more than half the country under the plague of domestic terrorism, substantive discussions and implementing compatible solutions is a desperate need of the hour.
Extremist groups, today aim at establishing their own social order and doctrine their ideologies among the locals and expand their ethnic group through means of violence.
The challenge Indian government faces today, is to physically combat these extremist groups through means of the CRPF and Police Force. These extremist are well-drilled with the knowledge of firearms that forces the security forces to resort to fierce encounters resulting in loss of lives of the security personnel.
'Eradicating the threat of domestic terrorism' has been a topic which has been debated upon endlessly by all affected locals. In this simulation, the committee aims at addressing the plight of the people affected and introducing substantive solutions in order to stabilize the threat of domestic terrorism and making India a better place to reside in.

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