African Union

Shishukunj MUN 2015


Fatema Rani Presswala


Vice Chairperson

Omisha Purohit

Vice Chairperson


Anantvijay Malpani


Dear Delegates,

Welcome to 2 days of heated debate, intense lobbying and short lived diplomatic relations in the African Union simulated at Shishukunj MUN 2015.
A bit about myself, I am Fatema Rani Presswala currently in class 11. MUNing has been my passion since I attended my first MUN in 2014 (don't worry first timers, I know how you feel!). I can confidently say that there is a lot to take away from such a conference. Besides the obvious skills of diplomacy and extempore speech, I have seen myself become more aware of the world I live in with each passing MUN. Similarly, it is my sincere wish, that each of you takes something positive back from these few days we spend together.
Besides MUNing, I am an avid reader, love to listen to music and of course am a Bollywood fanatic.
And well always remember -
The vision of the African Union is that of: 'An integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in global arena.'
I look forward to serving as the Chairperson of African Union this year and hope to learn as much as I have to offer through the committee simulations at Shishukunj MUN this year.
Feel free to contact me at
Best wishes,
Fatema Rani Presswala
African Union
Shishukunj MUN 2015


Exploitation of African States and Resources

In terms of mineral resources, Africa can be considered as one of the richest continents. African countries supply more than half of the world's diamonds and chromium demand. These resources should be a blessing for the African people, but for decades they have been a bane. The whole continent suffers from the exploitation of its mineral resources by powerful states and multinational corporations.
Considering that each state exercises sovereignty over its mineral resources, the exploitation can be seen as a threat to Africa's peace and stability. The usually unclear end-ownership of multinational corporations and the non-transparent trading in mineral resource deals aggravates this situation. The influence of international communities must not be underestimated.
Furthermore it antagonizes the socio-economic development of African States. As Kofi Annan, the former United Nations Secretary-General, stated, "Africa loses twice as much in illicit financial outflows as it receives in international aid".
The most prominent problems of this indefinite list of problems facing the African Union are the setting of common standards for more reasonable trading with African mineral resources, strengthening the socio-economic development of its Member States, and land tenures of the member states' mineral resources.

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